The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

i Foremost Newspaper of The Carolinas (Eljarlolif flfcrttrr Monday, November 5, 1951 9-B Rentals Rentals Rentals Campbell i Dies Suddenly At His Home William S. Campbell, 61. of 229 South Caswell road, died of a heart attack at 11 a m. yesterday at his home. A member of the Episcopal church, Mr.

Campbell was born Octpber 2, 1890, at Lexington, a son of the late Dr. J. H. Campbell and Martha Steele Campbell. He was reared in Lexington, attended Virginia Military institute, and served in World War I as a lieutenant in the 810th Pioneer infantry.

Mr. Alexander Dies Suddenly; Rites Today Robert Franklin Alexander, 90, died unexpectedly at 4 a. m. yesterday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. J.

W. Rucker on the Concord highway. Mr. Alexander was a son of the late Francis Adolphus Alexander and Abigail Barnett Alexander. He grew up on a plantation near Fort Mill, S.

and came to Charlotte when he was 17 years of age to engage in contracting and farming. Mr. Alexander was a member of the Covenant Presbyterian church. tda.v at 2:30 p. m.

at the Nichol- son Funeral home in Statesville. Funeral services will be held to- Mrs. C. R. Gaither asses In Home; Last Rites Today Mrs.

Minnie Prichard Gaither, 83 of 417 West Ninth street, died Saturday night at 11:35 at her home. The wife of Charles R. Gaither, she was born June 28, 1868, in Statesville. She had lived in Charlotte for the last 16 years, and was a member of the First Methodist church. Surviving are her husband: a son.

Clyde E. Gaither of Statesville, three grandchildren, three greatgrandchildren: a brother, R. W. Prichard of Winston-Salem: a sister, Mrs. W.

R. Alexander of Stony Point. Funeral services will be held 3 He had been associated with the Standard Oil company for the last 32 years, 14 years of his time in Norfolk, and the last 18 years in Charlotte. He was a charter member of the Musketeers of Lexington, Va. Funeral services will be held this morning at 9 o'clock-at the Harry and Bryant Chapel in the Oaks, conducted by Rev.

Robert L. Crandall, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal church. Burial will be in the Stonewall Jackson cemetery in Lexington, on Tuesday. Survivors include his wife, the former Miss Ethel Marie Harker of Chattanooga.

three brothers Brig. Gen A. G. Campbell of Tampa. J.

H. Campbell, of Lexington, J. F. Campbell of Lexington; a sister, Mrs. George Blakely of Wilmington, N.

and his mother, Mrs. Mertha Steels Paxton Campbell. Business Servict 28-J Welding Servlc "No job Too Large or Too Small11 W. Jarrell Machine Co. Comer Mint Sc Palmer St.

29. Moving-Storage LOCAL and LONG-distance- mov ing and storage. Fidelity Van A Storage, Inc. Phone 4-3316. SMTfH Tran.

8t Storage. Local long distance moving. 4-4070 3-6688 Light hauling; reasonable. Jt659. KNIGHT BROS.

HOUSEHOLD MOVING Agent for Washburn Storage Co. Loral and long distance moving, itnrage, packing and crating. 1123 Belmont Ave. Call Day 5-5948 Night 4-5494 Local or Nation Wide MOVING Agents Allied Van Lines Approved bv Good Housekeeping CAROLINA Transfer Storage Co. Parking, Crating, Storage 1230 W.

Morehead St. Ph. 2-5131 Stoss TRUCKING Inc. Heavy hauling contractor specializes ill rising machinery boiler, construction equip. Dependable Service.

2611 Blvd. Phona 4-53614-5362. Local, Long Distance MOVING Storage Crating WEATHERS BROS. Transfer Co. 123 S.

Church Phone J-7760 martin Transfer a storage Local and long distance moving, packing, crating and shipping. 1131 Caldwell. 4-1925 5-4657. 3d: SAVE COST Statements, letterheads. envelopes, business card.

Ente i pi ise printers. Albemarle, 31. Watch Repairing CLYDE-FURN. JEWELRY COT Expert watch and Jewelry repair ing. 119 East Park Ave.

32. Places to Eo? WITHERiT BRIDG FISHC AMT Partin', nlicited. For reserv.iliong call 3-9853 PIEDMONT RESTAURANT Sc Grill, 201 Trade St. ROBERTSON DRIVE-IN GRSl' 1901 South Blvd. 33.

Papering and Pointing TAINTTNC and paperhangmf 2f jrara experience. Wallace 3-9371 Rev. Lee F. Tuttle of Charlotte will officiate, assisted by Rev. R.

C. Tuttle of Statesville. Burial will bn in the Oakwood cemetery there. John Brvccs Funeral Held Funeral services for John Garnett Bryce, 91, of 220 East Park avenue, former president of the Charlotte National bank and the Standard Ice and Fuel company, who died early Saturday in a local hospital, were held yesterday at 2.30 o'clock at Harry and Bryant Chapel in the Oaks. Rev.

Robert B. Crandall of St. Peter's Episcopal church officiated. Interment was in the ElmWood cemetery. Mr.

Bryce was born in 1860 in Charlotte, the only son of Col. John Young Bryce, Confederate officer, and Julia Jones Bryce. He was married to Miss Marie Louise! Morehead. who died in 1895. and! later was married to Miss Ellen Harriett Ryder of Richmond, day at 3 p.

m. at the Sugaw Creek Presbyterian church conducted by Rev. A. Leslie Thompson, pastor. Burial will be in the Sugaw Creek cemetery.

The following grandsons will be pallbearers: Jay Rucker. Jack H. Alexander, William F. Alexander, William Taylor Alexander, L. L.

Froneberger, William F. Alex-ray C. Alexander, Jr. Honorary pallbearers will be Caldwell Neal, Frank S. Neal, Crosby A.

Breeze, M. C. Freguson, William A. Johnson, Raymond Hagler, Hugh C. Harris.

Thomas W. Bird, John F. Davis, R. W. Hunter.

Survivors include his wife, the former Miss Mary Taylor of Mecklenburg: two sons, Neal A. Alexander and Murray C. Alexander, both of Charlotte: three daughters, Mrs. W. C.

Hellmuth of Washington, D. Mrs. L. L. Froneberger, of Asheville.

Mrs. J. W. Rucker of Charlotte: a half sister, Mrs. Lester A.

Brumlev of SanfoYd. 34 grandchildren and 18 greatgrandchildren. The body will remain at Harry and Bryant Chapel in the Oaks until the hour of the funeral. Announcements 3. Funeral Directors HARRY-Sc BRYANT CO.

Funeral aervic tmee 1882. Com pleta funeral for $100 alwava our policy 500 Providence Rd. 7 1 3B. 4. Flowers CUTFLOWERS30c andup Chrysanthemums.

$1.00 jip. CHRYSANTHEMUMS-Large" white and colored $1.50 up. 3-4357. 7. Lost Found PUPPY I co*cker i found.

Plaza 3-1951 DOG Lost. Beagle. White, brown, Ian. Telephone number on collar. 10 reward.

3(hn Trusdalc. 3-7104. BAG Ladies', black beaded. Lost Thursday nile vicinity Barringer ho-lel. Rcliiin Ban Uigfr hotel Reward.

DOG Locker, 7 months. Light brown, gieen harness. Reward 5- M)35. GLASSES CHILD'S Blue frames. Lost between Mormngslde Apartments, Plaa.

DOG Toy Teirier ifemalei. Brown and white Eastover Vicinity. Answer. to Reward 4-9870. DOG Toy Terrier.

Black and white no tall. Disappeared. 9th and Tryon. Two little girls heartsick. Reward.

5-3890 DOG co*cker. While and black with brown spots. Reward. 4-3830. WALLET Mans, 'blacki lost.

Vi-cinllv of North 29 Drive-In. Re- ward. 3-9545. Stick pin, diamond. Reward 4-0284 DOG Small, white Spit, female.

Old. sick. Treated, gieosv ear. Disappeared Monday night. Reward.

2-6798. BILLFOLD and card case. Brown. Owners name inside. Reward 3-353.

DOG Beagle Dark Brnwn. Male. Lost vicinity Central High School. Reward 4-0002. TO RECOVER A LOSS Order a Lost and Found" want ad in The Observer immediately.

Hundreds of items are returned through classified ads. Phone 7121, a-k for Mrs. Foster. 8. Travel Opportunity fOUfiS perionallyconducted.

Free olders. Moore tours. Selwyn Hotel. Steamship Travel-2-6207. Steele S.

Agency. All hours. 600 Poplar. 9. Personals SITTER, anytime.

5-1045 SEWING andalterations 3-9102. ENVELOPES Postcards. circulars addressed. 50c a hundred. Pick up and deliver 3-2839.

PILLOW cases embroidered Childrens dresses smocked. 5-3968 CAROLINA DETECTIVE AGENCY Licensed and Bonded 405 Independence Bldg CARE FOR CHILD in my home. 5 days a week 4-6600. C'URTAiNSJDONE .735 FOR RENT Sanding machines, edgers. polisher, steam wallpaper remover.

For tales contact Rogers Paint Products, Inc. 200 N. College, SPIRELLA Individually designed Corsets Sc Bras. Mrs. Beatty, 3-1590 DELICIOUS HOMEMADE yellow laser butter cakes All kinds of fillings, frostings.

Made to order 4-3822. REWEAVtNG. Tuan nrners, Invisible Rewcaving service. 502 Indcp. Bldg SiTter.

own car. Mrs. Cooke. 3-0225 Curtains, Tablecloths jione 6-5267. MARTHA" HUNTER Reg.

nurse, elcctrolygist. Hair permancnlty removed. Liberty Life Bldg. 2-0967. FUR -MODE SHOP, restyling and all kinds alterations, 112 E.

6th, 5-4960 REWEXYINC nerafions-Mrs. Bell. 1032 South Caldycll 2-4888. MIMEOGRAPHING -Dixie Duplicating Service 3-0154 PM Smith FOR prompt courteous, efficient deliveries. Call Errand Service 8193.

CHARIS COfiSETS Mrs. E. McNatt distributor. 219 Builders Bid. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Pansies Dispensing Opticians 1429 East Morehead Ptv 5-0522.

EDNA RICHARDSON Electrolysis specialist. Superflurous hair permanently removed. 104 1-2 E. 4th 2-3567. Sewing Machine For Rent By the Month SINGER SEWING MACHINE 223 S.

Tryon ph -'l4 LICENSED UR RY a 9 V032 3 TYPING and Clerical work done at home. 3-6794 GUMS Bleeds tender, receded See dentist. For dailty care, try Olag ToothPaste.SterlinK Drug CURTAINS Stretched 4-7738 CORDE. BAGS, Hand made 8 up. Choice of colors 2-8292.

up to par See vour chiropractor. Dr. Oviatt. 6-4294 TUXEDO: full dress Tor rent or sale. B.

Tubel. 1421 Morehead Phone 2-0032 Coroleen, N. C. The Charlotte Observer wante representative living In the above named town, to aeeept and solicit want adi. Requires only few hours weekly.

Can be handled over telephone by housewife, partially disabled person or any one else having a little spare time. Ltbersl commission. Write The Charlotte Ob- aerver. Charlotte. N.

Curtains nicely Uundered 3-7271. CHILD CARE. Mrs. Haas 21(1 W. Park Avc WILL KEEP child, days.

5-1419. 10. Patent Attorneys EATON BELL 904 Johnston Charlotte. N. C.

753 Mun-geyJJldg, Washington, D. C. 11. Special Notices Learn to crrrve easily The Easy Method System. 3-S530.

who died eight years ago. IT Mr. Bryce retired from public JJ.11 Lll31l0ttC life in 1945 because of declining. health. In addition to his president- 56' ule fi-.

Char-ial capacities, he served as a thue Homestead section of rector of the Wachovia Bank and Mecklenburg county, died at 12 03 Trust companv. He was a charter m- yesterday shortly after his member of the Charlotte Country I arrival at a local hospital. He be-club and the old Charlotte Manu-j fame ill at his home a short time fa turers club. He also was a earlier. member of St.

Peter's Episcopal- Mr. Holt was an employe of the church. National Carbon company in Char- Surviving Mr. Bryce' are twootte and a member of the First nieces, Mrs. Jack Stuart Rivers Baptist church of Concord.

He was of Charlotte and Mrs. LcG. Hark- born in Stanly count)', February son of Walter C. and the late Mrs.1 ness Smith of Tryon; a nephew, 18, 1895, son of the late James Burrows of Pennington. N.

H. He George Bryce Flagg of Burlingame. Marshall and Julia Rudisill Holt, was a member of the Catholic three grandnieces, fouri Funeral services will be held at church in New Hampshire, a mem- great-grandnieces; and two great- jj a Tuesday at the Homestead ber of the Qasis Temple of the grandnephews. Methodist church, conducted by Shrine, and had been a foreman at iRev. h.

L. Blackwelder. pastor, the Southern Asbestos company Ollims Rev. Clvde H. Tucker, pastor here for the last 25 years.

1 HvlIIIctS YlUUI pf Oakhurst Baptist church. Burial Surviving are his wife, the for- will be in the Forest Lawn ceme-Tner Marjorie Parris of Mnit Hill; IlIlLo Ullcty five sons. Charles Ra-j punera services for Thomas C. Surviving Death Claims Chas. Burrows Charles Thomas Burrows, 46.

of Mint Hill, died at 8.30 p. m. yesterday in a local hospital after a serious illness of two weeks. He was born October 17. 1905.

i 1 ourviviiiK are his wife, Mrs. Ri i a 1 1 of he home- niQuinn' who dicd al his rcsidence' aid Burrows, all of the home a West Lidcll street. Saturday. ft! 4d RM-h will be held Tuesday afternoon at Mint Hill: three sisters. Miss Dora 0-clock at Alexander Funeral, Interment will be in Pine- Burrows of Keene.

N. Mrs. of Farningham. home. Interment will be in nne- 20.

Houses, Unfurnished 5217 N. TRYON ST. E)CT. -Business couple. 3-room cottage.

Slove, refrigerator, hot water furnished. 4-7952. 1701 AMHURST PL 3 bedroom house, stoker heat. 2-4722. CORTLAND RlX 3 beffroom house, $90 month.

Fannie Lou Bingham 502 Liberty Life Bldsr 4-5336 Ivey Dr. 6 rnotrn attractive yard garage oil heat $85.00 mo. We have other 5 and 7 room houses. Call and let us look these over Ph. 2:6191.

1862 GREEN for "rent. Large 5 room home. $67.50 monthly. Call 5-3369. MYERS PARK 4 bedroom Queens Rd.

Immediate possession $150 Lee Kenney 2-0516. 3108 SH EN ANBOAH AVE loom house, refrigerator, stove, bedroom suite: Breakfast room suite. $90. Available Nov. 1st.

3-0469 after 6. 21. Houses, furnished 5u RITE RAft Furnished-Toltasc on lake. All conveniences. 6 miles out Albemarle Highway 5-9121 SELWYN A Vff SECTION 2 bedroom modern home, furnished.

Oil heat 3-6078. 8 room house for rent. For colored. 6-3020. PLAZA SECTION 4 rooms furnished.

Furnace heat. Couple only. 46656. WILMORF, Section five room b.m-galow. Call for further information DILWORYH -Floral Av'e.

5 from i ise. $85. 4-6801 7263. 22. Rentals To Share PLAZA SECTION Apartment 4'rms.

share with bubinessgirl 6-4411 5-1282 Two young businessmen will hare nice 3 bedroom house, near town. PI hon 3-3743 or 4-1748 Hasbro ck HOME Plaza Section. or 2 girls. 2 bedrooms, Share with business lady. 2-0401 evening A A ft TMENT 5 rooms, to harf with business girls.

Phone 3-0560 between 1:30 andSp. in. APARTMENT-2 bed looms, share with nice girl. $25. 5-2306.

25. Offices for Rent WAREHOUSE For Lease New 6100 square foot building, concrete floor, railroad siding with loading platforms; plenty of parking, fine location for electrical, plumbing, laundry, chemical, district sales office or warehouse McKee Realty Co. 123 W. 4th St. 11134 328 1-2 I-CHURCH ST Nr- roriwr office space.

14' 40" 5-7468 Chatham Building. Connecting offices Mr.Harris302 S. College. Single or conneetlog office $25 each Smith office building. 116 1-2 S.

Church. 3-4295. FOR RENT 5 nice offices. 1211 S. Boulevard.

Heat, lights, water furnished. A. Z. Pcjce Co. 8139.

We will have- house i.l ihle Nov. on Esl Boulevard that is uitahle tor office space and Ining accommodation. Younts Realy fc ins. Co. 4-9624 nr 5-8618 HOME Young businesswoman haif home with buMnC's couptf or girb 5-5289 after 6 26.

Business Rant FOR-STORES. WAREHOUSES or offices call George Kostakes 4-0994. GROCERY STORE for rent, on highway 29 Phone 39-9812 Theatre Building Hunter N. C. Vester MrLa.rghlm.

7.7 Mnreheari. WAREHOUSE Wilmnie Section. 180fl square ft. Available now 4-3584 708 SF.IGI.E ST 2.7 60. Adjoining off St parking lot Will Improve In suite tenant.

$1V month Phone 4-5768. 717 Srigle SI. 16 48. Adjoining off SI. parking lot.

$70 per month. Phone 4-5768. STORE or OFFICE Ground floor 218 W. 4th St. 16 78.

Upttalrs: about 600 sq. ft. office ipace. 218 1-2 W. 4th.

Second floor 2400 to 5200 sq. ft Sprinkler system, beat and wr.ter furnished. CHOATE RENTAL CO. 2-5097. STORE BUILDING; For lease, with 7.000 feet on 1ft floor.

Two block from South Elm Street in Greensboro. N. C. Write P. O.

Box 2403 Gieen.sboro. WAREHOUSE Railroad siding, approximately 10.000 ft. Reasona- ble. 4-7 M2 LARGE SPACE 'for colored trailer camp. Located in Brooklyn between tile 1000 block ol Ea-t Hill Street and the 1000 block of East Bnundiy Street, bounded on the we-l side bv the Creek Has water, lights and Will lease on a mo attiac-tie basis or will sell at a real bargain for cash nr on ea.v term.

Phone me for appointment. Ira B. Turner. 7340. 27.

Wanted to Rent Hoihe bedroom, unfurnished, executive and family. Phone3-178l DESK-SPACE in office. Salesmen out of town all week. Vicinity of square. P.

O. Box 54. Charlotte. APARTMENT- UNFURNISHED up-stalrs, or duplex. 2bedrooms.

Adults 6-1202 Reliable company wants to rent or lease several locations for cleaning and laundry pickup stolons in suburban Charlotte, 800 1200 sq. feet. J-18, Observer HOUSE 5 rooms unTurnlshrH with small acreage and out b.nld-mgs. 4-8364. Business Service 28.

Business Guide House! floor, window. Janitor aervlee Crawfords. 9308 8:30 i. m. to 5p.m.

TO SELL-- YOUR SERVICES run 'Buslne Service" ad In The Ob-erver' Classified advertlalng lection. Folk In the market for pper-hangera. painter, plumber, and other rvlces look In 'Bualre Service" column. Call Kay Foiter, 7121 Commercial Property Select Retail Locations Wholesale Locations Modern Office Space INQUIRIES INVITED J. H.

Cutter Gr Inc. 20114 S. Tryon St. 28-D Bookkeeping Service ft la not 'too earlyio hav your books put in rendition for 1952 Tax Return. "'Prompt and efficient service." For appointment write, CORN BUSINESS SERVICE 2708 Duncan Ave.

Charlotte 5, N. C. 28-D Bookkeeping Service lOpKkfcEPlNO 1 tax eervice $-0925 28-E Electrical Service ILKCf RICAL CONtmreTWff-" Electrical Modernization Co. 5-2221 BOST ELECTRIC CO. 218 Ttickiaeegea Rd.

6-3260 ATXtlOXIcTfiTcr CO. 41 7Peca Ave. Phone 2-0394 28-F Radio TV Service 6Forg estvterv rc 511 W. Trade St. Phone 3-8383 Dealers rnvited New and Used Television Sets for Sale.

KADlflr HOSMTaE Honest Repalri, Tubes, Batterlea. Why now now, 126 N. Colleae I-62I2, Repair! Day or nlto. hcntalt 4-2382 or 2-4741 2841 Shoe Repairing rACELLT'SHOX CHOP 111 E. ruu 4-U31 12.

Furnithtd Rooma Park Beautifully furnished bedroom in new home semi-private bath Gentlemen $35 per month. off. 4-5336; res. 3-7876. Close In rooms, meji.

$5. 5-8232. Room $5 and Gentle men 2-4693 622 Moravian Lane. $10 8706. 1616 Euclid.

Nice large Bedroom Hot water.4-3309. SELWYN AVE Large corner bedroom. connecting bath, gentleman: Busline 3-3237. MYERS PARK 836 Henley. Heat-ed room ior lady.

Gentlemen 3-n90i EAST bedroom, exclusive residential seerton, radiant heat. Busline, woman or couple. 4-0443. 726 E. BLVD.

twin bedrooms, connecting bath, automatic heat, hot water, busline, breakfast optional. Gentlemen 3-8879. 430 QUEENS RD -AfTracTTve' heat-ed room, twin beds Gentleman 5- 3038. 204 E. MOREHEAD.

Attractive bed- rooms, good heat. 3-0709. Private home, large front room, private entrance, all conveniences 2-423L A-t)ouble Room, twin beds. 1st floor, pnvate enhance, kitchen priveleg- couple, GiiIjv, or Gentlemen 2-4535. ELIZABETH Best section.

Large comfortable room. Automatic heat. Gentlemen. 2-3957, Close in clean. Girls 4.

5-3709. ROOMS, girls, couple. $6 50, kitchen privileges. 5-3434 mornings. blLWORTH Heated bedroom, bus line, business girl, 3-2065.

ELIZABETH Bacnelor's Home. Single room. Modern conveniences, Busline7975. PRIVATE heated room, kitchen privileges. Busline $8.

2-5864. r24 E. 7TH Heated room. Next to bath $6. Busline, private home.

ELIZABETH AVE. Corner room, adjoining bath, steam heat. Gentlemen. 2-5872. ELIZABETH SECTION-Well heated room, pnvate bath, busline.

3-6603. ELIZABETH- Nicely furnished heated loom, connecting bath, private home. Business couple or lady. 2-3589 124 LAMAR AVE Nicely furnished bedroom, in home with young couple. Kitchen privileges.

Suitable for 1 or 2 working 4-3755 ELIZABETH "SECTION Downstairs. heated bedroom, twin beds, pi i ate bath, tub and shower, bus- Jine. Gentlemen. 4-9917. 112" VANCE.

Irge room, walking distance, all conveniences, near halh Girls. 3-4924 1112 S. GRAHAM 2 large connecting rooms, kitchen privileges. Private home, near bus line. 3-8136 Close in roomL $7.

2-6964 Midwood $6 3-5312 after 5. WeKey Humts.len $4.50 8755. Warm-Welcome. Nice rov home, telephone. Private entrance, bet location.

All conveniences. Gentlemen Phone 6-5257. 1016 EUCLID Private corner room, Gentlemen only. 5-18222-575 DILWORTH Quiet section, single or double room. Nice men.

4-0612. El IZABETH Comfortably furnished twin bedroom with huge closet. Consenent to bus. Bo'itv- girls or nurses- Phone 4-8232 before 60 or after 6 on MYERS PARK lady $35 B433. Charlotte's Downtown Hotel Court Tils baths, telephones, vail to a'l carpeting, steam heat No fire hax-zards.

no parking problems. Alamo Plaza Hotel 2309 N. Tryon NICE C(5zY ftOONIS wanterT by many Charlotteans! If you have a heated, cozy room to rent tell folks about it through an Observer Want Aa CallMrs. Helm.712L GROVES GUEST HOME 5-9563. 325 N.

Church, 3 blockJ Square $5. 114 EAST MOREHEAD $7 LEXINGTON home, water. 4-3197. ELIZABETH Attractive twin room. lr Is.

$6. Pnvate entrance. 3-8534. ROOM Large, new home, shower, 2 closets. Gentlemen.

$8. 3-8746. MIDWOOD Heated front rooim near bath, plenty hot water. 3-3811. Private entrance, privtae bath with schower.

Business couple. 3-8439. OAKHURST SECTION Furnished heated bedroom For one or two men. Private home. Tub and-jhow-er.

Breakfast Optional. Bus service 4-4IKI. DILWORTH" Attractive firt floor, connecting bath. Pnvate entrance 5-8229 after 6. 2l08 Charlotte Du Room, private home, busjine $33 3-6416 l)ilwo7th twin beds.

Men $6. 869(T 612 N. CHURCH. Heated room. Girls co.rple $5.

Meals next door. DILWORTH "lovely" iw ned-room. Modern home. Buittne. Rcj- ELIZABETH A Nicely furnished bedroom, heat, hot water, twin beds, gentlemen 2-1672.

MYElSPARK Attractive" front bedroom. Conveniences. Block busline. Gentleman 4-1667. WALKING "DISTANCE Vance, Corner Room, Steam heat.

Girl 3-4924. 1712 BUtLID Nice clean comfortable heated bedrooms. 65 each double 5-1548. Walking Distance: Twin corner room. Heat.

Maid service. Phone 3-3864. .700 N. CHURCH Small, mail. $5 CLOSE IN Steam heat.

$35. 2-03461 ELIZABETH Attractive heated room, morning kitchen privileges. Couple or girls. 6-1888. I i.

Room with Board BUSrNESSGIRL share-room. meals $10 4-5755. OffE. Morehead. Girls $1.0.50.

"2-6519. PLAZA Rusiness girl share twin bedroom. 2 meals, bus, references. 2-3558 ROOM 2 meals daily $12 4-2590. I men, 3 meals a day $11.30.

5-9681. 901 W. TRADE Nice rooms home cooked meals. Close Im FRIVATE BOA RDINtJ home has space for two elderly ladies. Nice headed rooms.

Reasonable rates. Phnne B468. Concord. "Dllworth Room Board. $12 5-9484.

208 Victoria. Heated rooms, 3 meals, men. 316 ff. BLVD. Bedroom, newiv finished.

All conveniences. Excellent meals. Men $12. E. MOREHEAD Large room in share.

Good home Roa- onablo. 5-0311. Close In-Girls $iFT3022. Convenient Location Large comfortable room, good food, 2 meals. 7 days week.

2 blocks shopping center Congenial and refined atitios-phere. Bus at door. 2-5012. 14. H'kecping Rhii.

Onf. 827 ft. TRADE 3 room apartment. lights, hot water refrigerator furnished. $30 to $50.

One with private bath. 15. H'keeping Rmi. Furn. Tlfll E.

7TH i rooma. $14. 3-9237. 70l LEKlNfcTON 2 rooms, lights, water, gas. $14 week.

Couple 6769. 909N Pine large room flO iTMOf 4T8 E. 6lVD. Large room, cabinet sink. Business lady 3-6081.

5Tb N. PTne Klee room. $8. 701 N. Tryon One big room.

$10-T" rooms, convenient lT750 DTIworth. Housekeeping room $10, 5-0484. 518 W. 8th Largeroom lib. SiTTnTPOPLAR Tiflioor newly decorated.

Steam heal. CLSSE In Nice clean, heated room. Kitchenette. Business couple. 3-9576.

430 QUEeNsT BeWoomTTtltcKem 'Prlvete entrance. First floor. $-3038. 16. Apartments, Unfurn.

STATESVILLE AVE 3 room wa ter furn. $35. Call 4-4621. See Our Sunday Ad. Tor Complete Rental Listings.

VINSON REALTY INC. 221 S. Church St Ph. 5-7771 16. Apartments, Unfurn.

ST. "JdtfK'S W66DS Oarage apartment. Bed. living room, kit then, bath. 3-4480.

523 ET" BLVb 5-room unfurnished apartment, $65 month. 2 rooms, heat, lights, water fm-nished. $30 4-3080 after 4. Apartment. 3 rooms $23.

38-fti40. 5 rooms. $55 5-1301. DESIRABLE LOCATION apartment heat, hot water 4-2448. 3 rooms.

1st floor apartment. Oil heat. Adults. $50. HUTCHINSON REALTY CO 7371 CONCORD RD 3 rooms and bath, heat, hot water, lights furnished.

Business couple $40. 56- 7371afler. MYERS PARK 5 heat, stove, refrigerator, garage furnished. Adults $125 4-6322. 3 LARGE ROOMS Sink in kitchen.

$3. per month. 4-5439. 114 E. MOREHEAD 2 rooms, $33 00.

Call after 3 p. rn. week. CaH APARTMENT Attractive 3-room suburban. Ca 11 afte 5 30.

2-4 676. GROVE ST. 2 large unfurnished rooms, gas stove, hoi, cold water furnhed. 8284 after 6 918 N. TRYON 4 rooms, bath, upstairs.

Private entrance. Unfur-nished. Newly painted. 2-2334, 219 W. 8TH.

Living room, 2 bedrooms. kitchen, breakfast room, tiled hath Front, back poiches. 3-4492. FIRST FLOOR Large elosets" rooms. Close in, 1 blork from bus.

S55. 200 Woodlawn Avo. APARTMENT -3 room. Refrigerator, 4-3016. 2312 BAY ST.

3 room garage apart-ment. screen porch. $53 4-141C. Addison Apartments. Couple or single person, We will have available Nov.

1st. 3 room apartment, large living room, rorner bedroom, 2 large closets, combination tub ard shower with modern kitchen, fully equipped $90. Younts Realty Ins. Co. 4-9624 5-8618 Apartment one bedroom, private entrance.

Bath, stove. Refrigeratoi, heat, water furnished. $55. Couple only 47379 326 W. 1CTH 2, 3 and 4 room'.

Heat and water furnished. No children. $47.50 and $69. respectively. Phone 2-6191.

park drive--, rooms. Areola heat. No children please). $55 mo. 2-6191.

For modern comfortable-apartment 2 3 bedrooms, phone 6-1595. HAWTHORNE LANE-3 room apartment. Modern. John M. Dwclle, 4-6801 -7265.

CLOSE-IN; 2 or 3 rooms. Hot and cold water furnished. Private bath HUTCHINSON REALTY CO. 7371 824 28 IDEAL WAY. 2 Bedrobs, Living Room, Dining Room.

Kitchen. Hot Air heating system. $70. TURNER BROS. AGENCY Phonr 5-5793 APARTMENT 3 room Heat, hot water.

stoe furnished. No children. 3-0571 NEW" APARTMENT 1710 Dllworth Rd W. Only one 3 room apartment left in th modem air eonditioned building. Adults only, JOHN DWELLS CO.

4-6801 7265 17. Apartments, furnished MYERS PARK Studio apartment. Furnished for two. References desired. 3-4088.

3 rooms redecotated. Privateen-trance Heat, hot water furnished 12 DILWORTH 3 rooms completely furnished, garage, heat, water furnished. Couple or gentleman. 2-3954 after 6 FURNISHED AKlS: 4 rooms, heat and ater, $80. Call 100U N.

Davidson. 2 rooms $f0. Waters Ins. Realty Co. 3-9875 3508 TlJCKAFCF.E RD 3 room furnished apartment, pnvae hath, lights hot.

cold water furnished couple only $60 3-2032. 3I3W 1 1TH ST2 roorm bathi and kitchenette, furnished. Rede-coiated I 1 claw. 820 A 90 7 2wee 1 DILWORTH Room, kitchenette, everything furnished. Girl.

Reference' $7. 5-2116 DILWORTH Choice location 2 rooms, bath, neat, utilities, private entra nee ndi ne. Ad ujts ,2 0634 311 E. BLVD. 2 rooms bath, all utilities furnished $55.

1923 BAY ST Nice completely furnished apartment, heated, ouit-able for 2 couples or family. 3-5563 Hawthorne Lane. 3 rooms downstairs fiont. Newly decorated and furnished. Adults only 4-2739.

3 bedrooms, den. private bath; kitchen pnvrlegev Utilities furnished oil furnace Large yard. Children accepted In home of busmen wmman 2-7552 2-6967. 0 rooms furnished pnvate entrance! business girls. 3-7941 2044 GREENWAY AVE rooms Business woman.

Couple, 2-4641 after 4 SELWYN AVE Small (-ficiency apartment. Gentleman, busline, 3-3237. Trailer 51 model. For rent or sale. Blvd Trailer Park.

4334 Wilkinson Blvd. DILWORTH Small- 3 room furnished apartment. Pnvate entrance 6-1840. DILWORTH SmalTheatplTaparl-nient, business couple, busline, utilities. mornings.

5-4097. Apartment. Living room bedroom combination, alt pnvate, suburban, clly bus. Prcler settled business couple. 3800 Avalon.

nIcTT room $75. Private 80 1 0 918 N. PINE 3 rooms. $15 week SHENANDOAH bedroom, electric kitchen, hall and hath, automatic hot water heater. Half block bun.

$50. 2-0657. APARTMENT. 3 furnished on busline. Clove in.

$65 month. Ap-ply 1901 S. Boulevard. 18. Duplexes, Unfurnished Nice Duplex.

6 roorns.Excellent location. Hest. busline. Phone 3-4693. Off Statesville Road.

3 week. Co. 2-5706 "1112 MYRTLE AVE 5 roomv $75 month 217 INDEPENDENCE RI.VO 4 room. newly decorated. 45 month.

Brown-Clenn Co. Member MLB 113 Arcade Phnie 7735 WESLEY HEIGHTS'" 312" Walnut. Ave. 5 looms, furnace heat, electric water heater. 3-6l66.

726 HAWTHORNE LANE-- 5-room duplex $70. Good condition. 1310 JEFFERSON ST room duplex $40 month. TURNER BROS AGENC. 5 5793 Elizabeth Section 2 bedrooms, stove ft Rrfrig.

furnished, oil heat. 75.00 Mo. 2 bedrooms, oil heat. JO.OO per month. N.

G. Speir, Inc. 4-5386 MtbWOOfi Redecorated large bedroom brirk. Oil heat, washer connection, water furnished $69.50. 3-1532.

FiOff 5." COTLECEn rooms unfurnished. Redecorated $9 week. 3-4713 CLUBfTlb. New 2 oedroom duplex; automatic heat, tile bath, John M. Dwelle.

4-6801; WEST-BEVb $60 Pione J-3016. 2 bedrooms, large living room, tiled bath, kitchen dinette. 3-4692. Hi CB EsTEEF I EED -4 rooma, oil circulator, Venetian blind. Phone 4-7647.

rooms, oil beat, "on busline. Available Nov. 15th, $85. 5-3284. 210 WILDWOOD (Thomborol.

J-room duplex. DWLfcX-S room, close In. redeco- raled. Areola heat. 2-5686.

EAST MOREHEAD section. nice 5 room brick duplex. Furnished $100. Unfurnished $85 month. Adults preferred.

7818. OfloTbEAL WAY. 2 bedroom brick; 75. Phone 2-5868. feTMZiECLrrESHY room duplex.

$60. 2-328. 19. Duplexes, Furniahed PARSON 8T. 2 rooms, bedroom nd kitchen, $10,00 week, 2-6191.

20. Houses, Unturniiited WtSTSIDE (' room house unfui- nlthed 75. Phone I. Mint. I rooms.

$64. HUTCHINSON REALTY CO. 1S71. Holt of Daytona Beach. wood cemetery.

ja sister Mrs. Ethel Whitley of Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Car-Charlotte; three brothers, C. I. rie Quinn; an adopted son.

Thomas.Holt of Detroit, J. O. Holt Lee Quinn: a brother, Paul Quinn lof Salisbury, R. M. Holt of Cleve-of Charlotte: a sister.

Mrs. Maggie and a grandson. Ware of New York City; three grandchildren. Rev. N.

A. Cochran will officiate. The body will be taken to the residence from McEwcn Funeral home at 4 p. m. today.

Grace Douglas Mrs. Ruth Cleveland of Keene, N. two brothers, Walter F. Burrows of Pennington. N.

Harvey Burrows of Mint Hill, and Cix grandchildren. The body will remain at the Me-JCwen Funeral home pending completion of funeral arrangements. WASHINGTON, The Depart-' S. Y. Holt Dies Suddenly Lottie Efird Holt; a daughter.

Miss Alldrcv Holt of the home; four sons John Carroll olt. all of Charlotte. Powell Ervin J. Sims Dies At Home; Funeral Today MONROE, Nov. 4.

Funeral services for Ervin Jackson Sims, 52. prominent farmer of Waxhaw, who died last night at his home following a heart attack, will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Waxhaw Presbyterian church of which Mr. Sims was an elder. The services will be conducted by Rev. Wayne C.

Potter and Rev. E. V. Wiley of Norwood. Burial will be in the Waxhaw city cemetery.

Mr. Sims was born in Lancaster county, S. son of the late Robert D. Sims and Josie Yandle of Union county. Mr.

Sims had made his home on Waxhaw, Route 1, most of his life where he owned a large farm. He is survived by his wife, the former Annie Carter: two daughters, Miss Jacksie Sims of Marsh-ville, and Miss Faye Sims, Columbia. S.C.. a son, Arnold Sims of Columbia: the parents. Mr.

anad Mrs. Robert Sims of Union county; four Mrs. Foster Starnes of Union county. Mrs. Milburn White of Cheraw, S.

Mrs. Garland White of Fort Mill, S. and Mrs. J. B.

Bass of Charlotte; four brothers, Roy Sims of San Antonio, Texas. Alwyn Sims of Waxhaw, Joel Sims of Greenvile, S. and Hoyle Sims of Charlotte. The body will remain at McEwen Funeral home until 2 o'clock, when it will be carried to the church. Joseph A.

Capps Dies Suddenly In Lowell GASTONIA, Nov. 4-Joscph Alexander Capps. 70, died at his home in Lowell this afternoon. Surviving are his wife, two daughters, two sons, a brother and two sisters. He had lived in Gaston county for the last 50 years.

He was a native of Mecklenburg county. Funeral arrangements are incomplete but rites will be held Tuesday. Mr. Capps had been in failing health for several years but his death was unexpected. OBITUARIES JAMKft M.

CHE8NUT Funeral services tor Jsmes Millard Chesnut, 69, of 1033 Islesworth avenut, who died Friday night at his home, were heid yesterday afternoon et Covenant Presbyterian church. Rev. J. B. Flcklen officiated, Burial will be In Fort Hill eametery in Lynchbura, today.

IDNET R. HEI Funeral services for Sidney R. Helms, of Route 1. Charlotte, who died Friday night at hie home, were held yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at Dulln Grove Advent Chrletian church. Rev, E.

Thurlow, pastor, officiated, assisted by Rev. Victor L. Harrison of First Advent Christian church. Burial wae in the hureh cemetery. deep-hued colors in Americana FLAT WALL PAINT For Your Decorating Schema DuPont Paint Service Store son Tr on Phone 2-3171 GETTING New Itart in America" Expert painting.

From Europe. Lowest Prices. 3-9045. AINTINGrP 4PERflANGWr" No )nh too small. Ted Allison 4 Painting and Papering Cabinet Work Remodeling ft Repairing Call W.

P. Scholl, Inc. Phone 4-4115 General Contracting JAMES E. tVEBB Painting -tired. Quality work.

Phone 3-367 Get your Sored Satin at SHARPES PAINT SUPPLY CO. We Deltver 1113 E. lfllh 3-833S RELIABLE paperin, painting! Si Moss. 39-9769. References.

Paper Painting reasonable. 3-3981 34. Heating, Plumbing FLOOft FURNACES, oil circulator Sci viced and repaired. 3-3225 or 4-6282. ALL FLOOR furnaces, circulator rleaned and serviced Work fuaf-inteed Ray Mitchell 7479.

PLUMBING AND HFATINQ SERVICE SUPPLIES ANDREWS PLUMBING A HEATING CO. 4-2677 tTF, Clean Septic tanks anfl ersi pool. Prices reasonable. Free In sprction. Phone 5-M05.

SEPTIC TANK CI.EAfttD Installed and repaired. Free inspection. reasonable rates. No mes, no odor. State app equip.

1-5767. 3817 4-1029. CHAS BESSER CO Heating Contrs-Oil Burning gi 734 Clemment Ave. hi. 4-6340 Complete Stock of American Standard Plumbing Fixtures all colors See Them On Display P.

C. Godfrey, Inc. 'Thai lotle's Most Beautiful Plumb-ins. Heating and Appliance Stor" 1816 Rozzells Ferry Road Phone 4-8605 CITY PLuMBlNcTiO. Expert Repair Bevlce 311 Tuckaseegee Rd.

Phone 'MECKLENBURG PlUSTBINSTCOT 2-5332 Wjlmont Rd. 39-9884 Tools For Rent Floor Sanders Floor Edgers PI2 and P17 Polishers PIEDMONT SALES CO. 2537 Wilkinson Blvd. 6-1244 34-A Roofing INTERSfATh ftOOFING-i X17 PHALT CO. 520 Palmer 4-6984 ADAMS Rooflni nd Svrpply Co.

Inc! 213 W. Bland St. Phone 6-291T 35. Building, Contracting BRICK! ocwT store laid. PLASTfftER Patch work don IjcRo.v Edney 3-2501 BUILDING CONTRACTORS Building repairs, painting, cement, masonry work.

Let us give you on estimate before you build. We know we know building. LEVINER OUTLAW PHONE 2-121 2 CARPENTERS AVAILABLE Roofing and tiding our specialty Gel our estimate free. 6-1801 kitchen Cabinets, Cornlcis, Boole-cases made to order 46-7339. 'fiuirdihg Home, commercial.

I-pert flnishe. Graham Autry 4-8842 Custom kTtcKen cabinet and fix-lures made to order 40I74. Aluminum window 8c door screen. Amcr. Weatherstrip Co.

5-7615. REMODELING Addition. AH kind of repair. Roofing nd ld-ing. Monthly piyment If deairtd Free estimate.

ANDREW ROBY PHONE 6-6929 rVngxione laid-4 after 4. ComPCEYe RIMGDELIRG Adcii: tloni, modem kllchene, bathroome, Low mo, payment, free estlmatea, HARTMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. 1217 Thomea Ave Ph. 2-4038. Tile porche cleaned and waxed 4-3592.

remudellni, ell kind of repair work. Low payment. C. Halt end Bon. 2-1968-4-2232.

CXTiPENTEITworir-'BMomeni waiif ireofed 4-0611, emodellng, repair, elterallon. d-dl'ions plumbing, elec-triclty, roofinl end elding. Reeaon-able price. We finance a low pey nunt Froo eiUmetee. COLONIAL ROOFING St CONST.

CO. 806 W. Morehead 1 Ph. 2-691 Rouae, Mover 4-Chariot te $MoorovUM Rocky Mount; Private James E. McKellar, son of Mrs.

Bessie Mc-Kellar, 617 St. Joseph Durham Private Clenard A. Peek, husband of Mrs. Clenard A. Peek, 373 Haywood West Asheville.

Swannanoa High School, Swan-nanoa, N. C. Private Isaac L. Ridley, son of Mrs. Virginia R.

Hatch, W-128 Craven Terrace. New Bern: Corporal Charles W. Rudisill, son of Mr. and Mrs. William R.

Rudisill, Rt. 1. Morganton; Corporal Warren H. Webster, brother of John L. Webster, 2403 Spruce Greensboro.

Injured Army: Private First Class George G. Curtis, husband of Mrs. Iva G. L. Curtis, Rt.

1, Mooresville. Mrs. H. W. Baucom Passes In Monroe MONROE, Nov.

4. Mrs. Carrie Braswell Baucom, 62, wife of Harvey W. Baucom. prominent Union county merchant, died in the local hospital Saturday atfer a critical illness of one week.

Funeral services will be held at Mill Creek Baptist church at 3 p.m. Monday. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The body will be taken to the church one hour before the last rites. Mrs.

Baucom was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Braswell of Union county. Surviving are her husband, three brothers, J.

F. Braswell of Wingate, Landers and Bert Braswell of Monroe and three sisters, Mrs. H. V. Braswell of Wingate, Mrs M.

J. Connell of Charlotte and Miss Naomi Braswell of Roanoke Rapids. Everlasting Punishment Is Subject Of Church "Everlasting Punishment" was the topic of the lesson-sermon in all Christian Science churches Sunday. The Golden Text was from Lamentations 3:39,40, "Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins: Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord." Passages from the Bible Include: "Know ye not. that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey; his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" (Romans And from "Science and Hfalath with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "A corrupt mind Is manifested In a corrupt body.

Lust, malice, and all aorts of evil are diseased beliefs, and you can destroy them only by destroying the wicked motives which produce them." (p. 404). jnent of Defense today announced the following casualties in the Korean area: NORTH CAROLINA Killed In Action Army: Corporal Jerry W. Arm-trong, son of Mrs. Olia Williams, Beatys Ford Charlotte; Second Lieutenant Travis L.

Banks, son of Mrs. Lena R. Banks, 517 Vance Greenville; First Lieutenant James W. Bracken, husband of Mrs. Margaret R.

Bracken, 1115 East Worthington Charlotte: Private William R. Taylor, son of Mrs. Julia T. Russell, Rt. 1, Cove City; Private William C.

Welch, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Welch, Rt. 2, Box 297, Waynes-ville.

Marine Corps: Private First Class Jack L. Hannah, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hannah, Rt. 1, Canton.

Died of Wounds Army: Private First Class George E. Guest, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Guest, Rt.

4, Franklin. Wounded Army: Private First Class William L. Barnhardt, brother of Gurley D. Barnhardt, Rt. 1.

Burlington; Private Lasalle Boston, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Early Boston, Rt. 1, Box 16D, Jamesville; Corporal Johnnie Bridges, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Willie E. Bridges, 109 Shannon House Shelby. (Previously wounded and returned to duty); Sergeant First Class George C. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Lester L. Brown, Rt. 5, Box 304, Salisbury; Private Charles R. Buchanan, brother of Mrs. Iva L.

B. Dunbar, 41 Railroad Marlon; Sergeant O. A. Carraway, son of Mr. and Mrs.

H. Carraway, Merrimon; Private First Class A. E. Crews, son of Elizah L. Crews, Wilkesboro; Corporal Harold Davis, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond G. Davis, Rt. 1. Stedman Sergeant William K.

Devane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Junie F. Devanc, Rt. 1, Box 93, White Oak; Corporal Raymond E.

Farmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farmer, Rt. 2, Elm City; Corporal John R. Fletcher, on of Mr.

and Mrs. William Fletcher, Walkertown; Private First Class Albert Galllmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Gallimore, Rt. 3, Thomasvillc; Corporal Ervin Grandy, son of Mrs.

Sylvia Grandy, 414 Calvert Fllzabeth City; Private First Class James P. Jennings, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Jennings, Rt.

1, Elizabeth City; Corporal John C. Johnson, son of Mrs, Lilia Johnson, Rt. 4, Dunn; 'Private First Class Milas C. Jones, aoif of Mr. and Mrs.

Jesse C. Jones, Rt 2, Private John R. Lit- tie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raeford Little, 818 South Washington CABARRUS SANATORIUM, INC.

Specializing in the care of the aged and infirm. Competent nursing care and daily medical inspection. For Information Dial 5112 or Write Rox 1106 Concord, N. C. White-CAP-NuHsiNG CENTER Home for the sick.

Ph. 5-7415 MRS. W. M. SHERRILL announces opening of belt, button and buttonhole sci vice.

Associated with James Sewing Service. 228'3 North Tryon, over Ledbetter's Shoe store. 4-2996. HOSE Non-Vim. non-snag, pull proof hose.

Guaiantee pairs lor a year. Will give free demonstration. Also have mens' and childrens socks. Roys' Tee shirts and ladles in Ion sweaters For further Information contact 2312 Barry St or phone I'M THE LABOR LEADER WORKERS FOLLOW FAITHFULLY Im the labor leader you can depend on to lead skilled workers to your open jobs. I an Observer Want Ad; I -am elected by thou-sandi of employers tn speed their hiring of willing capable Help for all kinds of Jobs.

Get the laundress, bookkeeper, cleric, baby fitter or any other type worker you ned speedily and economically through me. Get me easily by phoning 7121..

The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.