"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who is Vivica Fox's current husband?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Christopher Harvest
Vivica A. Fox / Husband (m. 1998–2002)
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What does CarShield not pay for?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"CarShield Coverage Exclusions

Damage from pre-existing conditions before the warranty took effect. Damage to normal wear and tear items like windshield wiper blades, brake pads and air filters. Damage caused by a lack of regular maintenance. Issues related to acts of nature, car accidents, theft and vandalism."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who owns CarShield?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"About. Mark Travis is the owner of CarShield based in Saint Peters, Missouri."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Does CarShield pay for breaks?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Does CarShield cover brakes? CarShield plans cover parts in the brake system, but they don't cover brake pads, shoes, or rotors. CarShield covers parts such as the master cylinder, power assist booster, and actuators."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who is the woman on the CarShield commercial with ice tea?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"CarShield TV Spot, 'Mechanic Shop' Featuring Ice-T, Vivica A."}}]}}

How Much Does Carshield Pay Vivica Fox (2025)

1. Vivica A. Fox: Where You've Seen The Carshield Spokeswoman Before

  • 16 mei 2024 · Fox has become a familiar face to many as the spokeswoman for CarShield ... Ice-T & Vivica In "The Perp Who Paid Too Much On Repairs". CarShield.

  • Vivica A. Fox starred in a Quentin Tarantino film.

Vivica A. Fox: Where You've Seen The Carshield Spokeswoman Before

2. Vivica Fox's $15 Million Net Worth and Real Estate - CAclubindia

  • 29 mei 2024 · How much does Vivica Fox make for CarShield? Vivica Fox earns $600,000 annually through her brand collaboration with CarShield. What kind of ...

  • ‹ ìýévÛH’0ÿî:繌jª]î),AJeOS”d«¬­Dy©š·H‚$,` –òñ{[ïÿïʾˆÈ)J¶»zæQ-b —ÈÈ-2222ò§ÿƃìn“l½üî'ü1"6~±Ìjo{/¿ƒÀÀ¾ü΀~š™o&~’Ù‹·µÖ†5ó§Á‹ë0¸™ÇI¶aâYÌ éM8Ì&/†Áu8jô±i„³0ý¨–ü(xa DQ8»2’ z±1OâQÆ$ F/6&Y6ßÞÚOçãzœŒ·nG³-Ë*—ÿ,‰ûq–>“¥?gÃàvÓÅQßlSÿ¶NýqP›'»ùÉ8`é,œÏƒl»f±ïëpÄ2aÍzfl½üîÿ|÷—Ÿþ£V3.&aj¤aðϳpþ›0›Ù$0~ý43zû§Æ¸¡>ˆGÔ9SÞ9!HY’~2ÃÿÙ07MÓ4RÆà1#˜‡i<` %ñb)ˆ`ð¥ˆ%Ä7é¦á0ZÂÙØÈbÀ–ôƒ´¾ATÿE›>π¼HŸ@÷´æ5U¨6ŠokP•UeK ¦æ€I Dfw/6âñvãÜÕ$˜]×Xšy–ÚO²p€ù—¦Çq[Ùޚ ËøÓ­eÒI¤‘üõûÙÚ%~­”a2Žý±ÿG8[Ö®¼[·ç‹~¦“`x ŒQGƒíU3ݚݾ0ÍmÛÝvZÀ4ïA8‡á(\†Ï«™Î…ÙØv¼mË\‰jGþaí·‚Ó°SƒPƒAX£AX³êçã{(ئµP£Ãµìû²L‚p<ÑW×kߗ§0ñ(pëã<ÈÓÇX¿È&q¢OÓá4œU$Ì`Ë‚d{à'C-yº˜NaÐ_Ò¢zÉziæÈeŸ`ÄÌèßa®êLC?ó­* W”aké-ԁIúl²Ñ`ZU”žÕ¹?[dA*êĈ-„ÌçŒä'[ÑðïSâ+Œ ´Öƒ´3 ¦~mœøóÉÆËOÿ Ì·Ùƶƒ, Ê8›ÿ`)·ÿ’R/nÿ÷Æû †­º¹qÐù… BÂp¨áx0ØÜ@†òEˆYlkÜóÙºüys#LÏ`–ŸŽ6¶?­_“ïAÖ@6µñy„ÅGÝ!·Ó5ÊCPUÖé{Ž”a(„_o6YLû3?ŒÞ®ÛcF›0œƒ3Á—¡¨å¬˜¥=æ,W&­â²›‚g<¨óø8ß^ÓÈ7]Çm­À·Ý†ÝYF¿ÙŒúý¾5²|l'}¹Þþ·Z¦77úÈO täW 2¨öÔgû3†îø2Ü#ÿ÷Úï‹ ÅV¬YžÙðš Çm9 Êú6Ø[MÛr¾ö†åºm÷›a÷\ς–ÎŽ`k¼ À÷ÇÀwbœ„°íØ°TŒzXܐÃÇå0CöýhûÏÏÿ¤ZrôŒ×õ?ƒlc u_“O=`…x,w♾9dR×6[›\œÚ) ðóÌ%ŸCoý]9EÂ4ûò¶Ö¦Š½åÈkÀŒWI|ƒì^l{ŒQœhU…•¥‹DäÖ0€õ•³iôpQ¡¶Hï¡= }ÏCXþ ûYÏ£àN҃k0)ñ• –‡äî,gk ‹`:°á×j¨ÿJ_|J©ˆKy§—i–@…?ãÚü0¹«…³ùEÔ$ø}&Á Éå,Ëø¤Þùg´Þ?¨ï**È~g]pû¼³HÛ]•jIPyþö Ã@àÖ Ùh;¶c ›m×ñ]?šŽ9軞ßj¹vàCÿ´›¾˜Nÿš¼XÊ(¿j’²&„‘B“vÒõ0ܐ¬=M™ðÈ¿Ú­Ëi֌¯¯Ú¿ç9Ó/|aþrN»B *°Ô/Û­.ˆÐ÷?Cí±&̆3ÀüŠÕ³ô&Hºñ—  DÏ`žÃ…ë㙇 k`{I vÿÓQÒðl¶ð£èNʸ{‹r.qðþ"~—¦@Ò5T—"’u+gø}óþw “1ËÖ·è@QìÀ8ß°ë…y˜@[“Eڇvü²®ìÐæ%‹‡þÝfn˜¤Æ,ÎDYН ªÁz3¬¯¡?#

3. CarShield TV Spot, 'Car Breakdown' Featuring Vivica A. Fox - iSpot.tv

CarShield TV Spot, 'Car Breakdown' Featuring Vivica A. Fox - iSpot.tv

4. Vivica Fox CarShield Commercial - Lipstick Alley

  • 21 aug 2023 · The budget was $50 and Viv supplied the wig from her line. She may have put it on herself and just paid someone to do her makeup. Thanks.

  • So, I was watching tv today and Vivica A. Fox's Carshield commercial aired. I had seen this commercial a few times, but I never paid attention closely to it. Anyway, as I was watching, I noticed that something was "off" and I kept looking to see. Then, I saw it...it was her wig. See the...

Vivica Fox CarShield Commercial - Lipstick Alley

5. /thread/33876068-ice-t-and-vivica-fox - the DataLounge

  • 25 jan 2024 · I just can't with their Car Shield commercials.I can understand why Vivica would do the cheesy ads. She no doubt needs the money.

  • I just can't with their Car Shield commercials.I can understand why Vivica would do the cheesy ads. She no doubt needs the money.But Ice-T? The guy is raking in hundreds of thousands per episode on ...

/thread/33876068-ice-t-and-vivica-fox - the DataLounge

6. Vivica A. Fox says she doesn't share Taraji P. Henson's money woes

  • 8 jan 2024 · Vivica is the type that gonna do what she gotta do, make a way out of no way. And not do much complaining behind it. Plus she's been a gig ...

  • Vivica A. Fox says she sympathizes with fellow actress Taraji P. Henson's issues with unequal pay and transpiration

Vivica A. Fox says she doesn't share Taraji P. Henson's money woes

7. Why is Vivica Fox Worth so much? - CAclubindia

  • 7 apr 2024 · Fox earns a $50,000 salary per episode through hosting various television shows. ... How much does Vivica Fox make for CarShield? Vivica Fox earns ...

  • ‹ ìýévG’0ÿnŸóÜC =YÝX e©I‰7‹ÔbÏۇ§ €\p±ŽÞÛzÿWöŒ[- AJj÷ÌC/DVfddäùÓôãÞüvZ£ùdü⻟ðÇÓáópZy{¶ñâ;ˆƒþ‹ï,øç§I8¬Þ(HÒpþ|ãíù~¥¹a&MƒIø|ã* ¯gq2ß°zñtNô:êÏGÏûáUÔ+ô±iEÓhãJÚÆásG"GÓK+ ÇÏ7fI<ˆÆá†5JÂÁóÑ|>ÛÞÚNfÃjœ·nÓ-Ç)–ÿ$‰»ñ<}¢JMûáͦ5ˆÇãøzӚ7•hÃÊ, ‘ØíqCNH§Ñlη+_Eý0V€ç‰µõâ»ÿóÝ_~úJÅ:E©•FóЂßx6&ÑaߺŽæ#k> ­_㠝[g{'Öl¼FSëÊõª¶U±°.)T檽x²u'}(%M·4ÝJÃx˪T^`aóh>_¼ÝbAï"hÆÀڏo¬÷ÐÌ#+­É¢7úûO[÷¾Ó­øŽã ÿ„[ñ‰,ùúúºÚzãEZ' ˆ† …~M·®gÑt[‹æM·\Û­mٞ€¸ÇøzvgO¬ …öÅÆ|bÑOšôpp<‘ŸÐ )~m}3ª|† ¢Òjz5¼QؼzÌõ‚i<…Ö›£îÊ®¨?*ƒø¦rãùhkƒ0ÿ…%ãY˜ÌoŸoÄÃíqŒ£Ý˜áôæÙRxœtÌ£æ_ ÀÈpאYŽ©¦½$‚1O |¢QZ0å¹uM(ãõŸŽoM¢ñò@`vQ•Àà ™b†ÿôíMÛ¶­4€YwkAV8‹Ò¸Â”IâÅpdâtM‡ÖUDñ"µæá¦_ŠXÓQ|Vab-  áhnuC(æw‚ BkÏ¡†ÕjuyõÉبÖWîed ȌŒ"ڄÆ: †ÁÑtYŠÞž-ºãªÒ¿ ¦b¢Á­Øð_ãܶ·kþ¶ïÿ ¶}ÂI܏Ñ:ø+ñAíhݯñ–NÞڏ¨ ‘Êq8¯Ðð¬~œ ï(›Vƒ ÇnÞEóö(Ä1cdªûÎ]yr3"·>ÎÂ,¼ò‹ù(NÌùڟDÓÀ9,ó0ÙîIß O“ LŠZ.D;/Í<ºáØ1'{‚ S«{‹¹Ê3õƒyà”Q¸¢×€ßƒõ XeÐÇùÆciUQfV¦ìt1SY'f0¶02›a ¿Ù÷ÿö1%¾3†ô|ƒ–IFá$¨“`6Úxñiã„ùf¾±­† ƒ x°±¹ñ†Üþo ¥^Üþï÷a÷[usc¿ý…þ €QßÀq?°¹œäṉKlßͧ77¢ô&óÉ`cûÓú«4r£Ï› OE8ºpX¨ò÷AU$ÿ{‘*”À¯Œt>ZLºÓ ¿]·¡Âm67`¸†§’íBAË9-à ŽZ ÚP ‚'Ü«ÓÄ8Þ^Ó ˆ·}ϯ÷0pýš[8µZ·Þí ºÝ®3pl¥.ÎÉ^Mõ¥ío`¼“ šîMA¬¸å‰ôˆÁï•ßaŠS¼â4ìZ£^óü¦W³¡ o€ºYw®9¾ßò¿ ê†ßp A€-EÓC؊-hJ‰ýLâÇ5ì›Ú=Íî¶ñ:NDôÁ5dŽ<ïa¬éŸŸÿIõ¸™kt?†½ùÆÒ¾Ú¤¿O}ØTY¾1Ca e“Í !zlƒÄå,Woo”eß0Û}GÍÆÃ(a+SúpNçÞ8œ@Í2# 㠝¬D¬£V«Wñ$Ö£%S¥RäîúKav`Š~†ÜæÅ{4½Tw:󸻤퍳E?aO2‘êqÿ¿¾·½Ö³ÔÚ&ºõ2‰¯Qr’Û k'ô¼¨#ì˜:°Ùé‚ …é¦(gÓ:ÃÍÅìÇI7L­÷Ô£ÖÙ<Àä7¬€ý4Œgãð.q;±Þ¨À'4 °ûäö4Ž¦sn óp2·^Cý=}þ)¥".@œ\¤sܚ}Ƶx]r[‰¦³ÊlIøû"JÂ>KÅ,Ëx Ùù§´@Þ«ïﻶª~gIÙr¾k̓ÇۍÂ@MÃÞ" « à^0 nõ굖çzN¿Þò½À¾íÙ½®ßšMß èŸVý¿úÏ...

8. CarShield TV Spot, 'Mechanic Shop' Featuring Ice-T, Vivica A. Fox

  • 5 feb 2024 · Check out CarShield's 120 second TV commercial, 'Mechanic Shop' from the Auto & General industry. Keep an eye on this page to learn about ...

  • Check out CarShield's 120 second TV commercial, 'Mechanic Shop' from the Auto & General industry. Keep an eye on this page to learn about the songs, characters, and celebrities appearing in this TV commercial. Share it with friends, then discover more great TV commercials on iSpot.tv

CarShield TV Spot, 'Mechanic Shop' Featuring Ice-T, Vivica A. Fox

9. Why The CarShield Commercial Actress Looks So Familiar - Looper

  • 6 nov 2023 · ... Vivica A. Fox. One two-minute ad is completely in Ice-T's wheelhouse. Titled "The Perp Who Paid Too Much On Repairs," the commercial plays ...

  • Vivica A. Fox is the face of a new CarShield advertising campaign. Here's where you've seen the talented performer before.

Why The CarShield Commercial Actress Looks So Familiar - Looper

10. CarShield: Perp Who Paid • Ads of the World™ | Part of The Clio Network

  • Ice-T and Vivica A. Fox interrogate an unsuspecting driver who paid full price for auto repairs.

CarShield: Perp Who Paid • Ads of the World™ | Part of The Clio Network

11. Car Shield - Columbia Star

  • 9 feb 2023 · I saw Vivica A. Fox on TV recently. It wasn't while watching my ... Service warranties offer to pay for any issues your brand new device might ...

  • I saw Vivica A. Fox on TV recently. It wasn’t while watching my enhanced copy of Booty Call or Fresh Prince of Bel Air. I saw her on a Car Shield commercial— just like Ice T. Car Shield is life insurance for your car. And more and more television personalities are shilling for them. The ads resemble those fake Medicare […]

Car Shield - Columbia Star
How Much Does Carshield Pay Vivica Fox (2025)


Does iced tea really have CarShield? ›

You may be wondering whether Ice-T actually uses a product he endorses like CarShield. Well, according to the man himself, he does have CarShield, however, it does appear that the company paid for it.

How much does Vivica a fox make? ›

Fox's annual income in 2024 is estimated to be around $500,000. This income is derived from her continued work in television and film, alongside her production projects. Her roles in TV series such as Empire and movies like Independence Day and Kill Bill have contributed significantly to her earnings.

How much is Vivica Fox worth in 2024? ›

Vivica Fox has a net worth of $15 million as of 2024. Fox earns a $40,000 salary per episode through hosting various television shows, according to Forbes. Over the years, Fox has financially helped many people in the Hollywood.

How much does the average person pay for CarShield? ›

What's the average cost of CarShield? Our research found that CarShield costs between $110 and $140 per month on average. The price you pay for vehicle protection will depend on your warranty coverage plan, deductible and specific vehicle.

Is CarShield real or fake? ›

Yes, CarShield is a legitimate vehicle service contract provider. CarShield's plans cover specific repairs outlined in a contract and repairs can be done by any licensed mechanic. In our study of the best extended car warranties we gave CarShield an overall rating of 4.4 out of 5.0.

Does CarShield pay for labor? ›

All plans through CarShield come with benefits such as: Towing, Rental Car Options, and 24-Hour Roadside Assistance (see contract for more information). Parts, Diagnostic Fees, and Labor costs paid for all Covered Claims (after a deductible when applicable).

How much does it cost to book Vivica Fox? ›

Fox booking price is contingent on many variables and the booking fee we may show is based on a range derived from our past experience with what will Vivica A. Fox charge for an event. An example fee to book Vivica A. Fox is in the starting range of $25,000-$39,999.

Is Vivica Fox related to Jamie Foxx? ›

## The Truth About Their Relationship Despite the speculation, Jamie and Vivica are not related by blood or by marriage. They have different parents and different backgrounds. Jamie Foxx was born as Eric Marlon Bishop in Texas, and he adopted his stage name as a tribute to the comedian Redd Foxx.

Does Vivica Fox have a degree? ›

Fox is a 1982 graduate of Arlington High School in Indianapolis and subsequently graduated from Golden West College in Huntington Beach, California, with an AA degree in Social Sciences.

Where does Vivica a Fox live now? ›

Who is Vivica Fox's current husband? ›

What does CarShield not pay for? ›

CarShield Coverage Exclusions

Damage from pre-existing conditions before the warranty took effect. Damage to normal wear and tear items like windshield wiper blades, brake pads and air filters. Damage caused by a lack of regular maintenance. Issues related to acts of nature, car accidents, theft and vandalism.

Who owns CarShield? ›

About. Mark Travis is the owner of CarShield based in Saint Peters, Missouri.

Does CarShield pay for breaks? ›

Does CarShield cover brakes? CarShield plans cover parts in the brake system, but they don't cover brake pads, shoes, or rotors. CarShield covers parts such as the master cylinder, power assist booster, and actuators.

Who is the woman on the CarShield commercial with ice tea? ›

CarShield TV Spot, 'Mechanic Shop' Featuring Ice-T, Vivica A.

Is CarShield an honest company? ›

CarShield is a legitimate extended auto warranty provider, offering six vehicle service contracts. In our review of the best car warranty companies, we gave CarShield an overall review score of 8.9 out of 10.0 based on its reputation, coverage, cost, transparency and customer experience.

What is not covered by CarShield? ›

CarShield Coverage Exclusions

Damage from pre-existing conditions before the warranty took effect. Damage to normal wear and tear items like windshield wiper blades, brake pads and air filters. Damage caused by a lack of regular maintenance. Issues related to acts of nature, car accidents, theft and vandalism.

What are the negatives of CarShield? ›

What are the cons of CarShield? The cons of CarShield is that it has highly mixed customer reviews across multiple rating sites. Out of more than 46,000 reviews on Trustpilot, 76% are positive. However, there are over 3,000 complaints on the BBB website, with a score of 1.4 out of 5 stars.


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.