Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

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SKen CHIOSO louisville in SUPER ELECTRA SERVICE TO royWV4WWIjr asm Ljiwi Southern I'milE Wherever You're Going Coll Southern Airways or Your Travel Agent 5 ill Uli 1 Magill Shines or Wasps By SID SMITH SopHorfiore halfback Magill Emory hip swinging broken field magician really had a field day in the impressive 47 to 20 win over West Virginia Tech last Saturday Giving the Golden Bears a sample of his stop and go now you ve got him now you type of running: the shifty speedster set up two Wasp touch downs with his scintillating punt returns He took the Wasps deep into Bear territory on one other occasion and in general threaten ed to go all the way each time he tucked a Tech punt under his arm The former Thomas Jeffer son of Richmond athlete also scored one touchdown on a 22 yard pass from quarterback Jimmy Hughes and kicked four extra points Chalking up punt returns of 36 and 42 years and kickoff re turns of 33 and 19 yards Magill kept a Tech homecoming crowd on the edge of their seats as he continually danced his way by would be Tech tacklers Magill the whole show however as tlie Wasps continued to show a well balanced attack which has brought them a 5 0 1 record to date Scoring four times on the ground and thrice through the air E1H had their best offensive barrage of the season running mate Earl Hawkins scored once to raise his point total to 50 for the season and picked eighty five yards in ten carries ull back A Burton ran well against the Bears as he tco scored once and amassed 47 yards in nine carries The seven Wasp D's were scored by as many different men as the Wasps registered their highest point total since November 14 1959 when they romped Concord College 55 to 19 Ramsey substituted freely throughout the game and pulled his first unit for good with eight minutes left in the third period and the score 40 to 14 The Wasps figure to have a much rougher time of it next Saturday when they return home to take on the Western Carolina Catamounts at ullerton ield Traditionally a wing ding op ponent the Cats pose a major hurdle to the Wasps in their quest for an undefeated season ootball Odds LSU And Georgia Tech (9 PreP rj Notes By BILL LUTHER BASKETBALL SEASON is now officially with us whether we like it or not I should say with Tennessee fans The 1962 63 campaign among Volunteer State teams got under way last night with a few scattered contests but the biggest noise and probably the largest crowd to see open ing action turned out at Ketron's gymnasium to witness tire first annual Rotherwood Conference jamboree The jamboree matched the conference's six Ketron Lynn View Sullivan Blountville Church Hill and Rogersville and a pair of outsiders Hampton and Happy Valley Each club played one quarter of eight minutes under regular game rules and regulations While football and basketball seasons in Tennessee are over lapping as they have in recent years Virginia prep fans will have to wait another full month before seeing their favorite teams in action Virginia High School League rules don't permit schools to play their first cage tilt prior to Dec 1 Despite the fact that the jamboree launched the Rotheiwood season three of the league Church Hill Ketron and have one more regular season football contest to be played IT'S POST SEASON football time once again The first such contest involving high school teams is scheduled Thursday night in Elizabethton's Childrests Stadium The game matches two Watauga Conference clubs in the city's first annual Shrine Game Matched in the tilt are Watauga champion of the last two seasons Jonesboro and this runner up Happy Valley Jonesboro a school which served as a doormat for con ference teams in its early years certainly has turned into a powerhouse since Richard May former Erwin assistant took over the beginning of the 1961 run for the title Are avored To Triumph NEW YORK (LTD South ern California and Louisiana St each was rated a 3 point favorite Tuesday in games between high ranked teams that feature this college football pro gram The Southern Cal Trojans who arc ranked No 3 nationally witn a 5 0 0 record are hosts to Wash ington in a game that will be regionally televised in the West Washington ranked No 8 nation ally also is unbeaten in six games but has been tied twice Last year they played to a 0 0 tie LSD's Tigers host mighty Mis sissippi and were named the fa vorite Dy the oddsmakers even though they have a 5 0 1 record to Ole 5 0 0 and Mississippi is ranked No 4 nationally to LSD's 6th Washington and Mississippi are not the only teams ranked among the top 10 who are underdogs this week 10th ranked Nebras ka is a 3 point underdog against Missouri Top ranked Northwestern is a strong 16 point favorite over Indi ana second ranked Alabama is picked by 14 over Mississippi st fifth ranked Texas is rated 16 points over SMU: Michigan St ranked 7th is picked by 10 overMinnesota and 9th ranked Arkan sas is favored by 13 over lexas In the feature game of the slim riday night card Miami 'ria) is an 11 point choice over Ken tucky Here are the odds on other leading Saturday games: Syracuse 4 over Pitts burgh Penn State 7 over Mary land Navy 8 over Notre Dame Dartmouth 14 over Yale Tulane 1 over Virginia Tech Georgia Tech 3 over Duke Georgia 5 over North Carolina State Auburn 6 over lorida Clemson 7 over North Carolina South Carolina 7 over Virginia lorida State 13 over Houston Ohio State 13 over Iowa Wisconsin 16 over Michi gan: Purdue 23 over Illinois Iowa State 1 over Oklahoma State Texas Christian 7 over Baylor Rice 13 over Tex as Tech Air orce 1 over Wyo ming UCLA 3 over California Oregon State 6 over Washington State Oregon 13 over Stanford Punt And Pass Registry lions Will End Today Boys (7 through 11) who plan to enter the Punt and Pass contest at Tennessee High's football prac tice field Saturday morning must register by 8 o'clock tonight Sherrill Daily Viking freshman football coach who will direct the contest said yesterday that boys may register at Ron's ord Sales the YMCA or the Joys Club Bruce Bentley former Emory and Henry7 back who is chairman of the contest for the Bristol Jay cees has placed entry blanks at the YMCA and Boys Club I Boys will compete on both dis tance and accuracy on their punts and passes Daily said yesterday Prizes will be awarded the first three winners in the five divisions The champion Tigers from Washington County lake a nine game winning skein into the game Only mistake Jonesboro made ail season was scheduling Johnson City of the Big Seven Conference at its first opponent WHILE ON THE SUBJECT of bowl games the Kingsport Exchange Club is expected to announce soon its opponent for the annual contest in Kingsport's red Johnson Stadium later this month And rumors have it that Church Hill and Champ ion and runner up in the Rotherwood Conference will likely be the opposing teams Undoubtedly a game of this caliber Would attract a capa city audience Just over a month ago Church Hill captured a 7 9 de fensive struggle from the Wildcats in a game that decided the league crow Church Hill loser only to the Big Seven's Elizabethton (12 6) and state power Oak Ridge (47 0) boasts a 7 2 record The Panthers wind up regular season play riday night by playing at Gate City The wily blemish on record is the loss to Church Hill The Wildcats now 8 1 close out against Erwin riday night Not only would Church Hill and Ketron give the Exchange Club two local clubs it would in addition match two of Ten top "small schools" THE BUBBLE was bound to burst! That' probably the attitude taken by Rich Valley fang last Saturday night By the bubble bursting the Steers saw their undefeated untied and unscored on marks washed over the dam as a wave of Indians from Damascus led by brilliant halfback Tommy rancisco carted away a 33 7 victory The defeat came even harder to the Steers It knocked Coach Kelly eleven out of first place in the District Seven standings Rich Valley entered the contest with a 4 0 0 district log By virture of the win Damascus pulled into a tie with Lebanon for the lead The co leaders hold 5 0 2 marks within the district Just for the record Rich Valley had blanked Honaker (49 0) Haysi (27 0) Sparta (41 0) Independence (41 0) Patrick Henry (6 0) Chilhowie (6 0) and Rye Cove (19 0) in succession rancisco who is being scouted by several collegiate coaches carried the biggest tomahawk for the Indians by romping for four touchdowns and tacking on two extra points THE MAJORITY of schools on the Tennessee side wind up regular season play this week and there's a real battle slated for Kingsport where the Dobyns Bennett Indians will be trying to nail down another Big Seven championship when they entertain the Johnson City Hilltoppers little doubt but what the contest will turn out to be a two man show in an aerial and ground offensive show The invading Hilltoppers who have already been elimi nated from the league title picture will probably have triple threat quarterhack Steve Spurrier filling the air with passes in an effort to offset the ground attack led by the conference's No 1 fullback Art Brumlt Another sidelight of the game will be the matching of the lop scoring leaders in the Big Seven Spurrier and Brumit Spurrier who does the Hilltopper punting in addition to being one of Coach Kermit Tipton's better runners is the loop's top point getter He has scored eight touchdowns kicked 12 extra points and booted a field goal for 63 points to take over the No 1 position Brumit has romped for nine touch downs for 54 points and is deadlocked for second place with Rusty Cantwell Brumit who led the Dobyns Bennett scalping of Tennessee High last week kept the fans buzzing in Municipal Stadium with his slanting runs and bull like rushes up the middle of the Viking defenses However no one among the more than 9000 customers was more awed by display of running than Oak Ridge assistants who were scouting the Tribe The Ridge coaches who have turned out some of the top backs in Tennessee prep recent years said "There isn't apy way to set a defense for him They went on to say "You defend a runner if you don't know what he's going to hit Brumit hits the middle and If no hole there he just keeps moving down the line until he finds Oak Ridge meets Kingsport Nov 9 A NUMBER of Southwest Virginia and East Tennessee high school basketball coaches are expected to attend the cage clinic at the University of Tennessee Saturday morning All coaches attending the clinic will he guests of the university for the Tennessee Wake orest game la Neyland Stadium following the clinic and a luncheon The clinic is sponsored by the Athletic Department TH I BIG SEVEN Conference cross country championships will be held at Johnson Science Hill High School Nov 8 it has been announced by meet director Bob Evans The meet will get under way at 5 pm and be run over a lli mile course Each team must enter five runners to be eligible for the team title but coaches are urged to bring their entire squads Evans announced that all entries must be in his hands on or before Nov GENERAL ELECTION NOV 6 rrtrww if 3' 1JI VOTE OR DAVID TORBETT OR Direct Representative Sullivan County Pile political Adv by David TtrbtH rancisco Nears Grid Point Lead Damascus lash Takes Second Place Rudder Quits At St Paul Wifcli St i Glenn Rin out of the way i my rancisco and Billy Chai of Rich Valley apparently will baiUe it out for the Distriit Seven ing championship Rudder who had led the from the season's first game quit his St Paul squad le the way clear rancisvv iv make it a two way battle Rudder is still the pace setter with 100 points but rancisco the Damascus flash romped for 26 points last week against Rich Val ley and moved into second place with 97 passing up Clear in the process Clear who has run second to Rudder all season holds Vols To Tackle BRISTOL HERALD COURIER Wednesday October 31 1962 9' SETTING Steve Counts member of Golden Gloves team that will participate in tonight's annual Halloween fights at Johnson City gets in a few licks on tlie timing bag at Rebels Retreat 11 Don Barnes Still Leads SW District Tazewell ullback Has 96 Points Don Danko In Second Spot Don Barnes Tazewell fullback was idle last week but is still lead ing players in the Group 1 A Southwest District in scoring with 96 points Another fullback Don Danko of Graham was able to pick up a pair of vital extra points in the Men's 14 13 triumph over Rich lands and remains in second place with 72 1 Others in tlie top five are Jo vniniHi vi vri du din wiui DI non nie Bales of Richlands with 54 and Rusty ife of Graham with 45 Winless Deacons 1 in extra massed 175 yards on 10 carries On ET State NEW YORK (UPI) Tlie Unit 5 2 4 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 it 63 62' 44 IBIULS aim Middle Central Jackson Oak Ridge and Memphis Southside continued as the top four far ahead of fast rising Chattanooga Brainerd Brainerd in turn was well in front of Springfield Southside offered a stern chal lenge to Oak third place Both are undefeated Jackson held its own with another one sided tri umph this time over Midan The UPI top ten (figured on the basis of 10 points for 1st place votes nine for second etc) with won lost records and NEW YORK (UPI) North western the 'Big Ten Conference leader and winner of five straight NEW YORK (UPI) The policy making council of the Na tional Collegiate Athletic As sociation NCAA Tuesday termi nated the probationary status of th University of Kansas and East Tennessee State and restored them to full rights of membership including partici pation in post season football and basketball games Kansas was placed on probation for two years on Oct 26 1960 for three violations of recruiting athletes one of which involved a $1564 automobile given to basketball star Wilt Chamberlain East Tennessee State drew i one probation in 1961 for I a violation oi tnc recruiting try out rule In basketball 8 Washington (4 0 2) 9 Arkansas (5 11 10 Nebraska '6 0) Second 10 teams 11 Auburn 41 12 Ohio State 38 13 Wis consin 36 14 Missouri 32 15 Purdue 30: 16 Orecon 23: 17 iteain luebuay 1 i ijukp 1 1: pj (spot pen i a anama no a voamn west lennessee led the three i Minnla Mh Ppnn' Stale 6 I Miami (la) 5 Armyj TO PAT TP 14 10 10 adhere last week with a 43 second half outburst The Volstrailing 14 7 shortly before inter mission pul'ed even on a 10 yard 37 pass play Mallon aircloth throw ring to Wayne Waff then racking up 34 points down the stretch It was quite a day for tailback turned fullback George Canale The versatile Memphis senior a Chattanooga Central Still Stands No 1 8 9 9 8 9 8 72 61 54 45 42 42 36 36 30 30 Chattanooga Central riding the crest of an 11 game winning streak was voted the best high school football team in Tennessee for the sixth consecutive week by Board of Sports Newsmen and Coachps i Only ninth ranked Knoxville £ames replaced Texas as the Central stands in the way of Press Inf ernat ional's ton 1 perfect regular season record foriran major college football I team Tuesday I uic a viuiuua NCAA Lifts Probation KNOXVILLE Tenn Tennes se no longer winless heads into mJ scored the touchdown that grand divisions of the state withining streak moved tn sccond half of the ten top rated teamsPlaCG California (5 0) TP Lt A 1 I took over third and Mississippi Daw unu juui i tatives and Springfield again was a to T11 as Tcxas dimnnad tiffh Ilia I nnrrhnrnc nnlv member I Cl i frnnininnore fnr fho nncl thrno Vlltl Ulll'Vl AVI V11V UUJI UllVU weeks saw their hopes for the national championshop jolted when Rice tied them 14 14 last Satur day night Arkansas (5 1) and Nebraska (6 0) are tlie newcomers in the top 10 this week replacing Wiscon sin and Auburn Tlie UPI board of coaches rated Louisiana State sixth 'Michigan State seventh ninth and Nebraska 10th down the No 3 position with 89 nntnfc Rounding out the top five are Hayes Moore of Damascus with 43 and Bill Boothe of John Battle and Ed Mason of Chilhowie with 42 each I JlV Lvllbvl IlvQUlu 114LU Rudder 16 touchdew ns are still the last half of its 1962 football tops and Joim Battle Lewis Eads schedule Saturday at Nevland Sla stands tirst in extra points with cjum Wake orest will provide! nine The top 10: Playr School Rudder St Paul 8 rancisco Damascus 8 Clear Rich Valley 8 Moore Damascus 8 Boothe John Battit 8 Mason Chilhowie 9 Roberts St Paul 9 ritz Damascus 8 Burke Abingdon 8 Smutzer Lebanon 9 Ratliff Garden 8 the opposition I after dropping four straight 16 15 6 7 7 6 6 5 6 6 Barnes is the top touchdown maker with 16 and teammat Tommy Mustard is No points with 18 The top 10: Player School Barnes Tazewell Danko Graham Grimm Graham iR Bales Richlands started Tennessee's avalanche in Graham Robinson Virginia Jtlie third quarter His payoff run coieman Grundy covered 49 yards Looney Grundy 8 1 Irnhnnr Viro'ni I after dropping four straight Canale shattered an cight year ri Mustard Tazeweii a 4 100 overwhelmed Chattanooga 48 14 01(1 1 'oru oy averaging nu carry 11115 marK ea511y tered the 137 previous high posted by Tom Tracy in the Vols' 26 20 triumph over Ncrth Carolina in 1954 Tennessee's offense clicked for 26 first downs against Chatta nooga as Vol backs picked up 422 yards rushing and 121 passing staggering total of 543 Northwestern Takes Top Spot In Collegiate Poll first place votes in parentheses: 1 Chattanooga Central (12) (9 0)145 2 Jackson (2) (7 1) 126 3 Oak Ridge (7 0) 104 4 Memphis Southside (1) (8 0) 103 5 Chattanooga Brainerd (8 0) 76 6 Springfield (6 1) 47 7 Memphis Central (7 1) 45 I Brownsville (7 1) 36 9 Knoxville Central (6 1) 26 10 Memphis Christian Bros (5 1 1) 23 Other teams receiving votes: Madison Morristown Clarksville Kingsport Dobyns Bennett Huntingdon Memphis Catholic Memphis East Nash villg Montgomery Bell Academy Milling ton Savannah East Ridge Sevierville Loudon and Whitehaven ed Press International major col lege football ratings (with first place votes and won lost records in parentheses): Team Points 1 Northwestern (19) (5 0) 325 2 Alabama (12) (6 0) 305 3 Soutiiern Calif (2) '(54)) 203 4 Texas (5 0 1) 6 Louisiana State (5 0 1) 162 7 Michigan State (1) (4 1) 123 OLD CROW KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY M25 T45OT hi PINT I I I I 86 lPR00rl pcibl KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY I3TTLEOIV I oie nmw 8a9 OLD CWOSTlllfff UKtfOIT Il.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.